The Quadruple Marker Test, often simply referred to as the “Quad Test,” is designed to evaluate the probability of chromosomal abnormalities in a fetus. It measures the levels of four distinct substances in a pregnant woman’s blood: Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), unconjugated Estriol (uE3), and Inhibin A. These substances, produced either by the unborn child or the placenta, can offer valuable insights into the baby’s health.
The Quadruple test is typically administered between the 15th and 20th weeks of pregnancy. It is not a diagnostic test but a screening tool. If the Quadruple Marker Test results indicate a high-risk, further diagnostic tests like amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling may be recommended.
Quadruple test normal values fluctuate based on the gestational age and the mother’s weight, race, and diabetic status. However, significantly elevated or reduced levels could suggest possible chromosomal conditions such as Down Syndrome or Edward’s Syndrome.
Our dedicated team of experts at our pathology lab in Bhopal is proficient in interpreting these test results and helping you understand what they might mean for your baby’s health. We maintain stringent quality standards to ensure precise and reliable test results.
Many prospective parents often worry about the Quadruple Marker Test price. Here at our pathology lab, we strive to provide affordable healthcare services. While the cost of the Quadruple Marker Test can vary based on different factors, we commit to transparency and offer competitive prices.
Beyond prenatal screening, our pathology lab in Kolkata also provides a wide range of diagnostic services. Among them is the Abdominal X-ray, a commonly used imaging test that offers valuable insights into the abdominal region’s structure and function. This non-invasive procedure helps visualize the organs, vessels, and bones in the abdominal cavity to identify any abnormalities or diseases.
The Abdominal X-ray is a quick and convenient diagnostic procedure that can help identify conditions such as bowel obstruction, kidney stones, or abdominal masses. Our experienced radiologists, armed with state-of-the-art technology, are dedicated to ensuring the highest quality imaging services.
We understand that dealing with medical tests can be daunting. Whether it’s anxiously waiting for Quadruple Marker Test results or preparing for an Abdominal X-ray, our compassionate team is here to support you through every step of the process. We aim to offer a comfortable and hassle-free experience for every patient that steps through our doors.
In conclusion, understanding the Quadruple Marker Test, its normal values, and what the results mean for your baby’s health can be empowering. At Health Care Diagnostic Clinic & Laboratory Service, we commit to supporting your journey with our comprehensive diagnostic and screening services. For more information on the Quadruple Marker Test price or to schedule an Abdominal X-ray, feel free to get in touch with us. Call: +91 6289675583. Your health and well-being are our utmost priority.